Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016 - UPDATE


What an eventful afternoon this has been! But let's pick up where I left off this morning. About 11 am I texted my mom and told her I was going downhill, "feels like I am headed back to where I was in January." So there I am, just working away and that pain in my jaw is getting more and more intense. I can barely even move it by 2:30 pm and I'm doing all I can to hold back the tears. My husband's chihuahua Leia has always been very intuitive when it comes to my health issues. Today I am in pain and she hasn't left my side. I'm trying to decide at this point if I should try calling my pain specialist back again. Not sure it would do much good... I have an appointment next month. Well, here's where it gets a little crazy.... all the sudden she (Leia) is in my face, licking me non stop. I keep trying to push her away, but she's insistent. That's when I feel it... or well don't feel it. I can barely feel her tongue anymore. I put my hands to my face. There is barely any sensation on the lower portion. At least on the outside; I can still feel the shooting pain throughout my jaw quite intensely

Alright, time to call the doctor. I called and asked to leave a message. I can feel the left side of my body getting "tingly" and Leia is very upset. I told the young woman I spoke with that I have an appointment next month, but I am having a full on relapse to how I was when I first came to see her, I have severe pain in my face, and my body is going numb again.... is there anything she suggests or can I at least take something stronger than an Advil. Asks me to hold. No problem. Holding is better than talking. I wonder if she even understood everything I said. I sound funny. 

When she gets back to me there are no suggestions and nothing I can take. My appointment in August in now a rushed appointment on Monday! Guess things are a little more serious than I thought. On the bright side... maybe I should get Leia certified as a therapy dog. I mean, this isn't the first time she has alerted me when things were about to go south, medically speaking. I guess we could be buds... my new PIC. Always watching out for mom. 

Hmmm, now I just need to figure out how I'm going to get to church on Sunday...


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