Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bump Updates for weeks 24 & 25

I completely forgot to post last week so I will be posting both week 24 & 25's updates and recaps!  


How far along: 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: 18 lbs.! I only gained 1 more pound, but it feels like so much more!
Maternity clothes: Oh yeah!
Stretch marks: Still none to be found!
Sleep: Elijah is preparing me to never sleep again…
Best moment of this week: Hearing my little man’s heart beat at the dr’s office.
Worst moment of this week: Hmm… having family belittle your feelings regarding your own event & realizing you sometimes have to let go of your “best friend” when they stop being your best friend… no matter how many years you have been together. Sometimes life happens & people grow apart. And that’s ok! It doesn’t mean it sucks any less though.
Miss anything: Life without heartburn…
Movement: He’s a movin’ & a grovin’ lately!
Food cravings: Strawberries and tacos!
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I try to make myself eat something I am not really in the mood for.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: None.  
Belly button in or out: Almost popped out, but not quite there. 
Wedding rings on or off: Off! On a chain around my neck.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: Getting our tax return so I can finish furnishing the nursery! 



How far along: 25 Weeks
Total weight gain: We are up to 21 lbs. now.... :( 
Maternity clothes: Oh yeah!
Stretch marks: Still none to be found!
Sleep: Whats that?
Best moment of this week: Valentine's dinner date with the hubby at my favorite restaurant!
Worst moment of this week: Elijah decided to stop moving for a while. We had to make a little trip to labor & delivery for some monitoring. He was doing just fine, but he gave mommy quite a scare!
Miss anything: Vodka... this week, vodka.
Movement: He barely moved at the beginning of the week, but now he has barely taken a break!
Food cravings: Strawberries and tacos.... still.
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I try to make myself eat something I am not really in the mood for.
Have you started to show yet: Yes.
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: None.  
Belly button in or out: Halfway popped out. 
Wedding rings on or off: Off! On a chain around my neck.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody
Looking forward to: Baby shower #1 is in 2 weeks and #2 in 3 weeks! I can't wait!!!  


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