Saturday, February 3, 2018

Reusable Dryer Sheets

*This post contains affiliate links*

So this has got to be one of my easiest and most frugal DIYs yet!

All you need is some cheap sponges, a seal-able container, fabric softener, & water!

To make your dryer sheets, start by cutting the sponges in half and put them in the container. In a separate container, mix equal parts  fabric softener and water. Once the solution is well blended, pour the liquid over the sponges. Seal with the lid and BAM! You’re done!

Whenever you are ready to use them just take out one of the halves, squeeze out the excess and throw them in the dryer before your clothes. Seriously, that’s it! When your clothes are dry just replace the half back into the container.

Reusable dryer sheets that last load after load and all for under $5!


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