Friday, September 2, 2016

6 Things Your Husband Needs To Hear From You

We know what we need from our husbands, and as women, that list can be quite long. We expect them to tell us how beautiful we are or notice when we have done something new to our hair, but how good are we about telling them what it is they need to hear?

I am far from perfect, but I really to try to be sensitive to his needs instead of just getting upset when he doesnt meet mine. Below is a list of 6 things you should be expressing to your man whenever possible. This isnt an all-inclusive list, but I believe it hits some of the high points.

1. No matter what is going on in your marriage that day, let him know you love him. Being angry with each other is no excuse to let this one slide. Not only that, but you need to let him know that you admire him for all he does for you and your family and you still want him. Tell him how happy you are that you chose to marry him and nothing is going to change that.

2. Let him know that you have his back. He needs to know that you support him and really believe in him. Men love to know that you trust in their ability to lead their family and that you are going to stand beside him through it all.

3. Dont forget to commend him for a job well done. Just because he is the man of the house, doesnt mean its his duty to bring home the bacon. Tell him how proud you are of all the hard work, travel, and long days he puts in. Or how amazing the raised garden bed he built you turned out. Just like you want to be acknowledged for all that you do, so does your husband.

4. Whether he has just returned home from work, or a day out running errands, make sure to ask him how his day was/is going. Show an interest in his life apart from you.

5. Ok ladies, this is a tough one ADMIT FAULT! When you are wrong, tell him you are sorry and that you are wrong. No one is right all the time (just most of itJ). This is a really big deal and it shows him that you take your marriage and his feelings seriously.

6. Just say thank you. So what if its his job to take out the trash, mow the lawn, wash the cars, etc. When he does it tell him thank you. Dont be ungrateful or take him for granted. Everyone needs to know that their efforts dont go unnoticed or unappreciated.


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