Saturday, February 3, 2018

Reusable Dryer Sheets

*This post contains affiliate links*

So this has got to be one of my easiest and most frugal DIYs yet!

All you need is some cheap sponges, a seal-able container, fabric softener, & water!

To make your dryer sheets, start by cutting the sponges in half and put them in the container. In a separate container, mix equal parts  fabric softener and water. Once the solution is well blended, pour the liquid over the sponges. Seal with the lid and BAM! You’re done!

Whenever you are ready to use them just take out one of the halves, squeeze out the excess and throw them in the dryer before your clothes. Seriously, that’s it! When your clothes are dry just replace the half back into the container.

Reusable dryer sheets that last load after load and all for under $5!

DIY Laundry Soap

Let’s talk dirty laundry. No, not the gossip kind! The piling up in the corner kind. Laundry is the bane of my existence most days. It’s just one of those things that I have never been fond of doing. It just never ends! At least not in our house.
One thing that makes all that laundry just the slightest bit more tolerable is not over spending for detergent. Being a one income family means we are on the strictest of budgets and I need to be mindful of every penny. That being said… I am not willing to just buy the cheapest stuff I can find and hope it cleans my clothes good enough. With a husband, a 9-month-old son, and 4 dogs we need something that actually work. I got this wonderful “recipe” from my sister-in-law a few years ago and have been using it ever since. It saves us around $20 a month compared to the Tide Pods we used to buy! That’s a whopping $240 a year!!! And as an added bonus our laundry smells better for longer!

What you need:

It’s super simple to make! The most time consuming part is grating the bars of soap with a cheese grater or food processor if you don’t buy the flakes. After that you just mix all your ingredients together in a large container. I use a home depot bucket with a lid. I fill up a 1.5 gal glass container to keep in my laundry room and store the rest in the bucket in the garage. I jut refill as my inside stash gets low.
For a large load of laundry I use 2 Tablespoons and cut it in half for a small load. One batch lasts us at least 3-4 months at a time. If you try out this DIY comment below and let me know what you think!

Coming Soon: Reusable Dryer Sheets & Cheap DIY Dishwashing Detergent