Thursday, August 11, 2016

Today I will choose happiness

I have really been slacking lately and I apologize. Sometimes life gets a little crazy and time gets away from me. All the sudden I look up and two whole weeks has passed! Hopefully I will get my act together over the next couple of days. 
I feel like I have been really uninspired and unmotivated as of late. I started the pain journal and I hated it. Who really wants to read all that depressing crap? Hell, I don't even want to write it! Sitting here tonight I realized I need to stop focusing on what is wrong with me and start focusing on what's right and the rest will follow. All of the negativity needs to be purged from my life. No one can do that for me and if I do nothing, then nothing will change. I have to make the decision each and every day, that no matter how I feel or what is thrown my way, today will be a good day. I will choose to be happy today. 
I think at some point or another we all get so caught up in the details of our lives that we forget to enjoy ourselves. Ourselves, our jobs, our kids, our spouses, and our God. We all need a reminder at times that we can't control the world, but we can control how we chose to react to it. And today, I choose happiness. 


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