Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cheap DIY Cake Stands

DIY Cake Stands

 On A Budget

These stands are absolutely adorable and so quick and easy to make! All of the items you need can be purchased at your local dollar store or thrift store. I decided to make two mini stands and 1 large stand. I purchased three candle holders (2 small, 1 large), one large dinner plate, and two small appetizer plates. I already had the paint and hot glue gun so I didn’t have to buy those. The entire project cost less than $10.00!

The two smaller candle holders I just spray painted black to match the theme I was going for. You can paint them any color you want. I left the larger one as is for now, but I may go back and paint it another color later.

Once you have painted the bases (which is completely optional) it’s time to glue them to your plates! I recommend getting plates in whatever color you are wanting and not painting those. If you can’t find what you want, and you do end up painting plates, just always make sure that you are putting something between the painted plate and your food.

You do have to work fast using the hot glue because it will dry quickly. I found that doing a dry run first and marking the center point on the plate really helped when attaching the two pieces. Place the plate upside down on the table. Put your glue on the top of your candle holder and press it down on the plate. Once attached run a bead of hot glue around the outer rim of the candle holder to help hold it to the plate. Let dry for a few hours before using.

After it’s completed dried you are ready to put it to good use! I have used them multiple times for get togethers and I just love them! Three stands for under $10 you really can’t beat it!

I hope you enjoyed this DIY. If you give it a try; please post some photos of yours in the comments! I’d love to see your personal take on these.