Thursday, January 28, 2016

DIY Date Night Idea Jar

    DIY Date Night Idea Jar        
        Life is way too busy sometimes. We are always running here, then there, and even though we don’t mean to, we forget to spend time with our spouses. Not just time, but real quality time. I think it’s important that no matter how long you have been married to always keep dating each other.

            Now, even though my husband and I are still in the “newlywed phase” we are guilty of major slacking in this department. Between working on updating the house, my medical problems, and him traveling for work dating just seems to get pushed to the back burner. Even when we do have the time and energy, what do we want to do? Do we really want to go to that same restaurant again? That’s why I decided to put together a “Date Jar”. Depending on how much time and/or money we are planning on spending we can draw a stick from the jar according to its color code.

                Off to Michael's I went! I grabbed some chalkboard paint ($2.29) and markers ($7.49), popsicle sticks ($4.99), and a piece of card stock ($0.99). I already had the mason jar glass plus some tulle and ribbon to decorate it with at home. I started by making a list on notebook paper of different date I thought would be good. I sorted them into 3 categories: At home/$, Night Out/$$, Requires Planning/$$$. I then painted all of the sticks, wrote the dates in the corresponding color, and made a guide out of the piece of card stock. After that I just decorated it with tulle and ribbon and viola! Now we can just draw from the jar for our weekly date night. 


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