Thursday, July 14, 2016

WTH is wrong with her?

I have been diagnosed with PCOS for about 5 years now. I have had 8, yes 8, surgeries to remove cysts from my ovaries. There used to be about 20-30 per ovary at any given time. I started metformin about 2 years The beginning of this year was hell. I was in excruciating pain throughout my entire body, then I actually lost feeling on my entire left side. I was terrified. I saw a neurologist and they literally took a safety pin and poked me from head to toe to test how much feeling I had. It wasn't much. She tested my reflexes and I had none on the left side of my body and the right side was hyperactive. The first thought was that I had MS (Multiple Sclerosis). My step mother has this disease so I knew how horrible it was and that scared me. She sent me for a MRI and it came back perfect. She wasn't convinced since though because in the beginning it doesn't always show the lesions on your brain yet so I had a ridiculous amount of blood drawn to rule out or detect that and/or some other disease. My B12 levels were normal so thank the Lord they ruled out MS. She put me on some medication for nerve pain then referred me to a pain specialist.

My mom went with me to see her and she prescribed a pain patch since I was doing better with the nerve meds but I was still in pain. She suspected I had Guillain-Barre syndrome so she referred me to another neurologist to perform an EMG. This is where they stick needles in your muscles and send electrical pulses through it. It was EXTREMELY painful. My husband was there holding my hand as I cried and poked fun at me so I would laugh and distract me from the pain. God has blessed me with an amazing husband. The test came back normal so she really believes that I have Lupus.

I improved so much over the next two months that my husband and I decided to try for a baby again. My doctor helped me to dose down on my medication. She also wanted me to do physical therapy, but she gave me the option of joining a gym instead. I decided gym was the way to go. As I was coming off my medications I would go through withdrawals with each dose down. I didn't join a gym yet, but I was doing yoga in the mornings to help with my stiff and painful joints. I signed up for a competition even at Nutrishop Firewheel for total inches lost. At this time, we had to face reality... without my meds I had a complete relapse. I started my medication again and went back to yoga and eating right. And guess what!? I won that competition! I lost over 10 inches and 3 lbs.! I joined a gym on Sunday and I have been enjoying going. I have struggled with weight my whole life, but I am done blaming the PCOS and I won’t let Lupus stand in my way of being who I want to be either. I am a strong woman and I know I can overcome anything with God at my side! I am so blessed to have my wonderful husband. I am also blessed to have my mother even though she’s a little on the crazy side sometimes. She has been there for me whenever I times get hard. I actually weighed 168 back at my Doctors appointment in January. I am now 150! I wish I had my measurements from then. All I have is June 4th to July 1st, but I will keep measuring every month and keep posting my progress along with recipes and possibly some workouts. I am currently working on a Health & Fitness Binder and I will post the FREE printable when I am done. 


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