Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016

Every single day...

Well, today already sucks. I have pain shooting through my jaw and face, my hands feel like I am being stabbed with tiny pins all over while being strangely numb(ish) at the same time. Cognitively I am struggling to get words out of my brain timely, if at all. My joints hurt like a.... well, let's just keep it clean and say bad. They hurt bad.  Even with 1800mg of Gralise, various ointments and a pain patch. Good news is that my mom's friend sees a Rheumatologist without a referral so I called that office and got an appointment. I still can't get in until September, but at least I doing something instead of accepting "I don't know." as a good enough answer.

I'm just glad my hubby gets back in town tonight. He has a way of helping me relax and feel (if only a little) better.


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