Sunday, January 22, 2017

Big News!

Hello my lovely loves! 

It’s been so long since I have written. I feel so guilty! I don’t have a very good excuse either. Life has been crazy in the most amazing and glorious way! I AM PREGNANT!!! Like seriously there is a living, growing, baby in my belly! Never thought it’d happen and as soon as we stopped worrying about it and accepted that we would just try our hand at fostering to adopt… BOOM! I had been experiencing nausea I wrote off as stress, heartburn I also blamed on stress, and was a few days late. Must be the stress, right? I mean I don’t even ovulate regularly on my own and had a round of fertility drugs in my nightstand just waiting to be started. Well, it was our first wedding anniversary and I was watching Gossip Girl on Netflix while my husband was at work. Something told me that even though it was going to be a BFN, to go ahead and take the spare pregnancy test I had stashed in the back of my vanity drawer. I took the test, waited the 3 minutes, and glanced at the test then tossed it. Suddenly my head was spinning. I was so ready to see Not Pregnant that it took a minute for it to register. Pregnant, 3+ weeks. I snatched it out of the trash and stared in disbelief. The test was wrong. It had to be. But there is was in all it’s digital beauty. I lost my composure. Immediately I dialed my husband. Bless his heart I was crying so hard he thought someone had died! Instead, I shared the news that we were going to be parents. Best anniversary gift ever!

September 21, 2016 - Happy Anniversary! 

We got our first sonogram at 10 weeks, had an amazing gender reveal at 14 weeks. Our newest addition is due May 22, 2017 and IT’S A BOY! He has been growing like a weed in there and at 23 weeks he is kicking up a storm. It’s still so hard to believe that I have made it this far. After losing two babies in my life I am causiously optimistic. I’m praying every day that our sweet Elijah will be my rainbow baby. The uncomfortableness, intense heartburn, and sleepless nights are all worth it just to feel him squirm around in there. I am counting down the moments until I can hold him in my arms. 

November 19, 2017 - Gender Reveal Party - 14 weeks


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